Holiday came again~ omg, i have lotsa things to do><
and i'm LAZY. Christmas party, performance, next years's activities.
and! I'm started learning car dy. quite scary but yet fun. wahah.
Finally can drive, no need always call mummy.~.~ hohoho.
I can't work during this holiday, because have to help my mama~.~
she's leaving to bintulu, sarawak on 21st nov until 29th nov~
and during tat time, I'm HOME ALONE! my bro should be back on 20th,
but because of his sch's time table. he can't back on tat date, but 30th nov!!
and luckily one of a maid is staying wif me..=>
k lar~ i got to sleep lur! Good night sweetie. =X
miss ya!